You can view messages from a patient (through the Updox patient portal) regarding his or her health information.
Note: When the patient sends a message regarding health information, the Add this information to my medical chart checkbox must be selected.
To view messages regarding health information
In the Medical
Alerts dialog box, click the Patient
Health Information button .
The Patient Health Information dialog box appears.
For any message, do any of the following:
Visit a website - If the Body of the message has a link, click the link to visit the corresponding website. The website opens in your Web browser.
View an attachment - If the message has attachments, a View link appears in the Attachment column. Click the link to open the Patient Health Information Attachments Viewer dialog box and view the attachments. You can preview the content of any attachment that is of a file type that you can preview in Document Center (such as document and image file types).
Unlink or reassign - To unlink the message from the patient, with the message selected, click Unlink from Patient. Either click Yes to confirm that you want to unlink it from the patient, or click Reassign to select the patient to whom you want to link the message.
When you are finished viewing the messages, close the dialog box.